Nominert til jubileumspris!
NYHET – 10.01.25

Vi er utrolig stolte over at Sikkerhetsbygget ved St Olavs Hospital er nominert til European Healthcare Design Champions Awards i kategorien Mental Health Design.
Prosjektet er nominert til den prestisjefylte 10-års jubileumsprisen og kan dermed bli kåret til det beste psykiatribygget i hele EHD’s historie. Vi ser spent fram til prisoverrekkelsen som finner sted på King’s Fund i London 12. februar!
Etter å ha blitt innviet i 2021 vant Sikkerhetsbygget i Trondheim European Healthcare Design Award i 2022.
Prosjektet er utviklet i samarbeid med NCC Norge, Karlsson arkitekter, Schønherr og COWI Norge for St Olavs Hospital / Sykehusbygg.
Shortlisted as one of the best healthcare buildings of the decade!
We are incredibly proud to announce that the High Security Building at St Olav's Hospital has been shortlisted for the European Healthcare Design Champions Awards in the Mental Health Design category. Thus, the project in Trondheim can be named the best psychiatry building in EHD's entire history. We are looking forward to the award ceremony which will take place at the King's Fund in London on 12 February!
Completed in 2021, the High Security Building in Trondheim won the European Healthcare Design Award in 2022.
The project has been developed in collaboration with NCC Norway, Karlsson arkitekter, Schønherr and COWI Norway for St Olav's Hospital / Hospital building.